9 Days

MT. Kailash and Mansarovar Yatra: Towering west of Tibet lies Mount Kailash, a sacred peak reaching 6,714 meters. Revered by four major religions, Kailash holds a special place in their traditions. Hindus consider it the abode of Lord Shiva, while Tibetan Buddhists see it as the home of the powerful deity Samvara. In the ancient Bon religion, Mount Kailash was the mystical nine-storey Swastika Mountain, the descent point of the creator deity Shenrab.

The 53-kilometer Kailash Circuit is a central pilgrimage route for Hindus and Buddhists, and a major draw for visitors. Legend says completing a single circuit around the mountain cleanses one’s sins, while 108 repetitions lead to ultimate liberation.

Nestled below Mount Kailash lies the holy Lake Manasarovar, at an elevation of 4,580 meters. A ritual bath in its waters is believed to grant access to Brahma’s paradise, and drinking from the lake washes away sins accumulated over a hundred lifetimes.

Trip Overview of MT. Kailash and Mansarovar Yatra

Explore on an unforgettable eight-day spiritual journey from Kathmandu to the sacred land of Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar. Cross the border into Tibet and begin your exploration, venturing towards the awe-inspiring Mount Kailash. Immerse yourself in the holy atmosphere as you explore the mountain and its sacred surroundings. Witness incredible sights like Mount Kailash itself, the ethereal Lake Manasarovar, and the mysterious Rakshasa Taal.


  • Trekking Shoe
  • Globs
  • Can of Oxygen for emergency propose
  • Other Necessary Equipment
  • Stick for Parikrama


  • Down Jacket
  • Duffle Bag
  • Day Backpack
  • Hat


  • Passport with a validity of minimum 6 months.
  • Scanned Copy of Passport and passport size photo with white background and details fill form (form will be provided to you) to be submitted before 30 days in advance.
  • Original Passport and Passport size photo to be submitted before 4 days


We will be staying at the Alpine Hotel Nepal in Kathmandu, the Mount Kailash Resort in Pokhara, and various teahouses during the trek. All accommodations are on a twin-share basis. A single supplement is available upon request for an additional USD 350. The Alpine Club of Himalaya will arrange rooms with attached washrooms, although some teahouses may only offer shared washing and toilet facilities. Single rooms are readily available in Kathmandu and the lower elevations of the trekking regions but may be difficult to find at higher elevations.


During the MT Kailash and Mansarovar Yatra, you will have the opportunity to savor a variety of cuisines, including Nepali, Tibetan, Indian, and continental dishes. In Kathmandu, breakfast will be provided, while during the trek and climb, you will enjoy all meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). On the Upper Mustang Trek, breakfast will be served at your overnight accommodations, with the option to have dinner arranged by the lodge. Lunch will be provided along the trekking route to your next stop. During the climbing session, you can expect hygienic and freshly-cooked meals. Additionally, there will be special welcome and farewell dinners in Kathmandu.

Important Note

Your safety is of paramount importance to us at the Alpine Club of Himalaya. We have the absolute authority to cancel the trip or change the itinerary, when deemed necessary or when we have reason to believe your safety is at stake. Weather conditions, the health condition of a group member, natural disasters, and such, can contribute to changes in the itinerary when traveling in remote mountainous regions. In these extreme situations, we kindly request that you offer your full co-operation to the trusted leader of the group appointed by the Alpine Club of Himalaya. However, we assure you that we will make every effort to keep to the above itinerary.


Our journey to the Kerung Border will begin early morning from Kathmandu. We'll be traveling by tourist bus or coaster, depending on the size of our group. The drive itself should take around 8 hours, though road conditions can affect the travel time. After reaching the border, we'll be spending the night at a hotel.

The crisp morning air nips at your skin as you set off for Paryang, a hearty breakfast fueling your journey. The road unfolds before you, promising a glimpse of the majestic gateway to Mount Kailash. Paryang itself sits perched at a lofty 4,700 meters, a testament to the breathtaking altitude you'll soon reach. Tonight, a cozy bed at Hotel awaits to welcome you after a day of exploration.

Start your day with an early wake-up call, fuel up with breakfast, and then embark on a scenic drive to the sacred Lake Mansarovar. Upon arrival, immerse yourself in the holy waters and perform a puja ceremony. Take some time to soak in the serene beauty surrounding the lake before settling in for a night at a local guesthouse.

As the first rays of dawn touch the Himalayas, rise and make your way to the sacred Lake Mansarovar. Take a purifying dip in its holy waters and perform a heartfelt puja on its banks. Since our private vehicle cannot be used for the Kora, we'll embark on the circumambulation (Parikrama) using a government bus. After completing this holy walk and the cleansing bath, we'll head to Darchen, the gateway to Mount Kailash. Our journey concludes for the day with a restful night at the hotel.

The trek around Mount Kailash, known as the Kailash kora, typically starts on the western outskirts of Darchen village. It's a good introduction to the trek, with a gentle and moderate difficulty level on the first day. The altitude increases gradually, and the path has manageable ups and downs. To make the most of the day's manageable terrain, consider starting early in the morning. For your convenience, you can hire porters and yaks to carry your daypacks. You'll spend the night at a local guesthouse.

The most challenging part of the 3-day Kora trek awaits as you conquer the Drolma La Pass, reaching a staggering 5630 meters. This section demands extreme caution due to the drastic ascent and descent. It's important to avoid lingering at the Drolma La Pass for too long; the thin air and strong winds can be harmful. After a brief rest, you'll embark on a steep downhill trek, eventually reaching the banks of the Lham-chu Khir River. Here, you'll catch sight of the holy Gaurikunda Pond. The journey continues to the village of Juthulpuk, where you can explore the famous Zuthulpuk cave, also known as the "miracle cave." Keep an eye out for the Buddha's Footprints along the way. The day concludes with an overnight stay at a local guesthouse in Juthulpuk.

After breakfast, we'll embark on a morning exploration of the caves and temples near the Milarepa Caves. Following this spiritual immersion, we'll begin our Kora, a pilgrimage circumambulation, which will take 3-4 hours to complete. Upon reaching the end of the Kora route, we'll return to the Zutrulpuk settlement for lunch. Refreshed and reenergized, we'll then depart Zutrulpuk and head back to Saga, where we'll spend the night comfortably at our hotel.

Our journey concludes with a smooth ride on paved Tibetan roads, leading us back to the border town of Kerung. Nestled on the Nepal-Tibet frontier, Kerung will be our home for the night. Since today is a day of rest and relaxation, we can unwind and spend the evening at a cozy guesthouse in Kerung.

Having wrapped up the border formalities and said our farewells to the fantastic Tibetan team, we're now on the road back to Kathmandu, Nepal's capital. With that, our team bids you adieu, leaving you free to explore and enjoy the rest of your adventure at your own pace.

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From $1,999
/ Adult

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Sujan Lamichhane
Sujan Lamichhane

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